
Nuendo Tips And Tricks

Euphonix System 5 style meters for Nuendo

Here are colors used as well as color points for Euphonix System 5  meters on Nuendo:

Note: The values listed are Red/Green/Blue (RGB).

Orange (0dB to +3dB): 238/88/12
Yellow (-6dB to 0dB): 255/255/0
Green (-20dB to -8dB): 101/241/118
Blue (-oo to -20dB): 27/161/234


For Avid System 6 meters try the following:

Orange (0dB to +3dB): 238/88/12
Yellow (-6dB to 0dB): 73/167/255
Light Blue (-20dB to -8dB): 187/233/255
Blue (-oo to -20dB): 252/230/49

Cubase and Nuendo color sets

Here is a set of 24 colors that you can use to color events and tracks in Cubase and Nuendo.  Load your Defaults.xml file in your Cubase/Nuendo preferences folder into a text editor, search for the color section, and then replace the existing items with the ones below:

<string name="Name" value="Color 1" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5724142"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 2" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5724142"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 3" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="7821294"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 4" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="9918446"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 5" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="10377198"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 6" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="10835950"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 7" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15620065"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 8" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15620002"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 9" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15619927"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 10" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15619927"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 11" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15628119"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 12" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15638103"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 13" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="15644503"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 14" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="14806615"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 15" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="12512855"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 16" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="10677847"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 17" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5762647"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 18" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5762679"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 19" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5762718"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 20" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5762718"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 21" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5759470"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 22" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5750510"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 23" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5743342"/>
<string name="Name" value="Color 24" wide="true"/>
<int name="Color" value="5735150"/>

Setting the same value for multiple events

If you have multiple events selected then Nuendo (and Cubase) offer the ability to set a particular value to one of your choice across all selected events without maintaining relative value relationships between the events.

In other words, if you select 2 events – one which has a volume of 0dB, and the other a value of +3dB – and then you change 0dB to +3dB you will now have event 1 with +3dB and event 2 with +6dB. Sometimes we wish to make the value we enter the apply to all selected events regardless of their initial value.This might be used to set all events to the same volume or length for example.

How to do it

– Select all events in the info line (info line will turn yellow to indicate that the selection has events with different values).
– Select a value in the info line you wish to change (length for example) and enter a new value
– Before committing the value, hold down “Ctrl” and then press “Enter” at the same time

This will now set the value to the same one across selected events instead of maintaining the relative relationship which is what normally happens. This trick works for any info line parameter.

Configuring and using Workspaces

Do you find yourself opening and closing windows, moving windows around to see what is behind them, or just losing windows behind other windows? Fear not, workspaces can help you organize your workflow and reduce window clutter.

Workspaces are not something new but they don’t often get the attention they deserve. Workspaces allow you to set up a collection of windows and save these as a recallable workspace. The benefit of this is you can configure different windows for different tasks which suit your working method and optimize a workflow which works for you.

Assign workspaces to key commands so you can recall a particular workspace at the touch of a button.

Creating a mix template

(1) Create all the effects channels you think you might need. This is done by creating a new FX channel – ‘Project -> Add Track -> FX Channel – and then adding any processing you would normally use. For example, Small Room, Short Plate, Long Plate, Large Hall, 1/16 Delay, 1/8 Delay, 1/4 Delay, PingPong Delay, Chorus, Split Harmonizer etc.

(2) When you are satisfied that you have a good selection of effects then select all of your newly created FX channels and go to ‘File -> Export -> Selected Tracks’. Cubase / Nuendo will then prompt you to save an XML file as well as reference or copy the media on the tracks. In this instance we can choose ‘”Reference” as our session doesn’t contain any audio data on the FX channels.

(3) Now when either starting a new mix or loading an old mix you can use the option ‘File -> Import -> Track Archive’ and locate your previously saved XML file. Cubase / Nuendo will prompt you to select which tracks you want to import as well as allowing you to select all via a dedicated button.

Track archives have many other uses for example transferring selected tracks between sessions.